A Comet Visitor Jan/Feb 2023

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is currently visiting the inner solar system.
It is estimated to have last been here 50,000 years ago, ie at the time when the Neanderthals were roaming the land.  So, this is the first time that Homo Sapiens will have seen it.
Some have speculated that this comet originated in the Oort Cloud, the theoretical sphere of debris some 50,000 to 100,000 AU from the sun, 1-2 light years.
It is likely to be at its brightest at the end of January, beginning of Feb and is predicted to be easily seen with binoculars, and maybe also the naked eye. 
No doubt the observers in our membership will be able to advise how best to sight it but a screen shot from the video on space.com (LINK) shows where it will be during January.  There are also many other sites on the web were you can read up about C/2022 E3 (ZTF)

Comet C3/2022 E3 path Jan 2023
Comet C3/2022 E3 path Jan 2023

Mike Thomas lecture, 15th December

Each year at Christmas Usk Astronomical Society holds the “Mike Thomas Lecture” in memory of a very long standing member and supporter of the Society that passed away around 5 years ago. It is traditional that members of other local astronomical societies are invited to the event which is on Thursday 15th December at 7:30 in the Grange Social club, Maryport Street, Usk. Wayne Jones from Heads of the Valleys AS will give a talk on the demands that space travel puts on the human body. This is as much a social event as it is a lecture and there will also be a buffet. There is no charge for the evening but if any member intends to go please let Nick Busby know by emailing  Observing@AbergavennyAS.org.uk before Monday. This is simply so that we know how many to cater for.

Mars close to opposition to be occluded by the Moon

Mars has just passed opposition, that means when it is at its closest point to the Earth in its orbit, so it is presently very bright in the southern sky and very hard to miss on a clear night. At just before 4am tomorrow morning, Thursday December 8th, the Moon passes in front of the planet. This is called an “occultation”, a rare event particularly when Mars is as its brightest until 2033. It will be a great sight in binoculars and a super photo opportunity. The image below shows a screen shot of a simulation of the occulation from Stellarium. Mars will emerge about an hour later at 5:56 am. The forecast is clear, so set your alarm clock!

Next AAS meeting Monday 28th Nov.

The next meeting will be on Monday 28th November, 7:30pm in the Hen & Chicks.
The topic, suggested by a member, will be Dark Matter.

The Bullet Cluster (ESA)

Rough headings:- What’s the universe made of/Why do we need Dark Matter/What is it/Is it real/Are there alternatives?

No knowledge necessary we are all learning, but if you have any ideas, questions, thoughts or outlandish theories come along and share them.

Future Meetings

November:-  The next meeting of AAS will be on the 28th, the 4th Monday of the month, at 7:30pm.
The proposed topic, from a suggestion at our September meeting, will be “Dark Matter”.
If you have any questions or answers or other thoughts on this elusive Matter do come along and share them with the rest of us.  We are all operating in the Dark so any and all contributions are welcomed!
Further details will be posted nearer the date.

December:-  As the 4th Monday falls between Christmas and the New Year we have decided to miss out this month.

January:-  Our first 2023 meeting is scheduled for the 23rd of January.  This session will continue with the “Astronomy Basics” theme.  The topic will be decided in the New Year.
If anyone has a specific subject they would like to be covered please let me or Nick know, email addresses below.

All sessions are upstairs in the Hen & Chicks, Flannel St, Abergavenny NP7 5EG, starting at 7:30pm

Everyone is welcome.

Kevin: webmaster@abergavennyas.org.uk         Nick: observing@abergavennyas.org.uk