These are documents, presentations and other items produced by AAS members. They are NOT scholarly presentations or dissertations by researchers!
Please allow for any misunderstandings or mistakes you may find.
Feel free to download and/or read on the screen.
- The Oort Cloud - Oct 2023 (317 downloads)
- Dark Matter - November 2022 (207 downloads)
- 26-11-2022_AAS Restart Meeting inc recent news topics (427 downloads)
- Notes for Discussion Meeting 13th Jan 2020 (1546 downloads)
- Slides from Discussion Meeting 25th Nov., 2019 (506 downloads)
- Notes for Discussion Meeting 25th Nov, 2019 (899 downloads)
- Notes for Discussion Meeting 9th Sept., 2019 (1618 downloads)
- Elements of a Smartphone (705 downloads)
- Brief notes for Dec 2017 "Where do elements come from" (851 downloads)
- AAS News of the Month-Nov 2017 (621 downloads)
- AAS News of the month - Oct 2017 (688 downloads)
- Brief Notes for October 2017 - Black Holes & Dark Matter (754 downloads)
- AAS News of the month - June 2017 (699 downloads)
- Brief notes for June 2017 - Cosmic Inflation (820 downloads)
- Brief notes for May 2017 subject-Galaxies (852 downloads)
- AAS News of the Month May 2017 (816 downloads)
- AAS News of the month - April 2017 (738 downloads)
- Cosmo Group (758 downloads)
- The life and times of stars (1426 downloads)
- understanding "magnitude", a beginner's guide (840 downloads)
- Using Binoculars (901 downloads)
- Those Images of Orion Nebula- How do you do it? (1099 downloads)
- Presentation Lost lithium (1201 downloads)
- Choosing a Telescope (1908 downloads)
- Myth of the Big Bang (1417 downloads)
- Presentation - Myth of Big Bang (1667 downloads)
- Presentation Big Bang Cosmology (1210 downloads)
- Variable Stars (1694 downloads)
- LIGO First Detection Analysis (690 downloads)
- Cleaning CCD Camera- Starlight Xpress (1226 downloads)
- HEQ-5 and EQ6 Manual (3907 downloads)
- BAA Technical Tips #6 (1383 downloads)
- BAA Instrument & Imaging Tech Tips 2 (1880 downloads)
Documents & Guides
- Cosmology_Possible future topics (1019 downloads)
- Buying a Telescope (759 downloads)
- Observers Site Rating Form (686 downloads)
- Learning Star Gazing-2 (403 downloads)
- Learning Stargazing-1 (489 downloads)
AAS Admin
- AGM 2020 - Minutes - DRAFT (443 downloads)
- AGM-2020-Website-FaceBook-Discussion-Group Report (455 downloads)
- AGM 2020 Agenda (438 downloads)
- AGM 2019 minutes (459 downloads)
- AGM 2019 : Report - Webmaster & Cosmology Group (615 downloads)
- AGM 2018 minutes (568 downloads)
- AGM 2016 reports (655 downloads)
- AGM 2016 minutes (716 downloads)
- AGM 2014 minures (1013 downloads)
- AGM 2013 minutes (1166 downloads)
Misc. Items
- Carl Sagan : Pale Blue Dot (66 downloads)
- Test Document (239 downloads)
- 1st Evidence of exoplanet beyond our galaxy (297 downloads)
- GW170817 Spectrogram + Template Audio - video (436 downloads)
- NASA’s NICER Reveals 1st-ever Pulsar Surface Map-video (465 downloads)
- Gravitational Waves 101 (National Geographic)-video (433 downloads)
- GW170817 Timeline (credit OzGrav)-video (578 downloads)
- Hubble-Visualisation of galaxies colliding-video (708 downloads)
I have tried several times over a few days to open up the links on downloads page and they refuse to open – is there a problem on the website or is it my end?