Abergavenny Astronomy Society and your Personal Data : Our Policy
The Abergavenny Astronomy Society operates an internet site, a Facebook page and membership records.
1) http://abergavennyas.org.uk/
This is the main society website which is currently hosted by tsohost.com. The email addresses of those who register for email alerts are held on the daily.co.uk servers. There is also a backup copy on the Webmaster’s personal computer.
Only the email addresses are held, not any other personal information.
Any new postings, re meetings, news etc., are automatically sent out to all those who have registered on the “Subscribe to AAS” website page.
If you wish TO CANCEL receiving emails at any time the “Subscribe to AAS” page also allows you to do so. You can also CANCEL email notification by sending an email to the webmaster, HERE.
Please note that the AAS does not share your email addresses with any third party.
2) Facebook page
No personal information is held by members of the society other than that which appears on the Facebook page itself.
3) Membership records
These are held by the secretary/treasurer as a record of members and subscription payments.
If you have any queries or questions related to the “General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)” or your personal data please contact the webmaster, HERE, and I will endeavour to find an answer for you.