Hi all, Next meeting, usual time & place, Upstairs in the Hen & Chicks, Abergavenny, at 7:30pm.
Topic this month will be the Square Kilometre Array (SKA)

This is a multi-nation low frequency radio telescope situated in the S Hemisphere. The first of the planned 130,000+ SKA-LOW antennas have just started to be installed in W Australia.
They will be able to search for radio emission from neutral hydrogen in the very early universe, the time before the gas was ionized by the light of the first stars, galaxies and quasars, and the cosmic dark ages came to an end.
We will explore the progress of this huge project, the largest radio telescope in the world, and what its science objectives are including probing the cosmic dawn, dark energy, galaxy evolution etc.
Come along and join in the discussion – you don’t have to be an expert, just fascinated by our universe – all are welcome